


implementation year

Project Goal
To provide a safe space for children and contribute to greater economic opportunity and prosperity for a portion of the families in Mets Masrik Village (in the Gegharkuniq Region) by enabling the town’s day care center to be fully operational year-round.
Project Background
Mets Masrik Village, located in the Gegharkuniq region of Armenia, is populated by roughly 3,500 refugees from Azerbaijan. Inhabitants primarily rely on agriculture and cattle breeding for their livelihoods. Since work is scarce, most of the men in Mets Masrik travel to Russia on seasonal basis to work as construction workers and taxi drivers so they can earn enough to then survive year-round and feed their families and children.
Mets Masrik is home to just one day care for the town’s 250 children, most of who are between the ages of two and five. Although it is mostly renovated the day care operates for a mere six months each year. The windows and doors are too old to keep out the region’s bitter winter cold, thus forcing children to remain at home during the late fall and winter months—the toughest months for their families to survive.
At Ayo! we are excited to raise funds that will bring warmth and joy to the families of Mets Masrik. With your support, the day care will receive new windows and doors that will keep the cold out and make it possible for the children to stay inside without risking their health and well-being, and will ultimately enable them to attend day care year-round. By enabling the day care to be fully operational, these children will be able to benefit from a consistent and safe learning environment, which will contribute to their overall cognitive and social development, and start them on a solid educational path.
Ensuring the children have a safe place to play will also provide benefit to their families overall. Instead of staying home with their children all day when the day care is closed, villagers will have more time to spend on their work, like cattle breeding during the fall and winter months. This will potentially increase household income levels, and bring overall benefit to the village and the community
Sydney Yapoujian
Elizabeth Talatinian
Nana Shakhnazaryan
Linda Piper
Jenny McIntosh
Brent Martin
Anna Maksapetyan
Mitchell Johnson
Cindy Hagopian
Ruzanna Grigoryan
Anton Dworak
Anush Djaniants
Avaze Amroc
Thomas Ashbahian
Kristine Arshakyan
Serob Yeritsyan
St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church
Nadia K K. Rodriguez
Armenian Students' Cultural Association
Aram Mkrtchyan
Armene Piper-Yapoujian
Arin Allahverdi Balalian
Asbed H. Pogarian
Michael McCarthy
Eric Kashian
Arsen Hayrapetyan
Liliya Djaniants
Tateos R
Hagop Bakhtiarian
Gregory Toufayan
Ara Bagdasarian
Ari Terjanian
Irina Nanagoulian
Migirdic Kendiroglu
Mary Ann Kibarian
Yeprem Kelegian
Holy Virgin Mary and Shoghagat Armenian Church
Ara Hacet
Jonathan Campbell
Mets Masrik community
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